Multidisciplinary artist

XR @ Immerse Lab

art direction / AR design

ACROSS TECHNOLOGY TO ART - a virtual journey to arles with LG SIGNATURE

in collaboration with LG SIGNATURE and media wise agency, we have launched a virtual AR journey into the captivating world of vincent van gogh's the red vineyards in arles. through this innovative attempt of combining art restoration research and AR technology, we aim to create a point of convergence between the brand and the arts. five unique animated scenes are easily launched in webAR. not only do these AR scenes illustrate how the masterpiece was conceived and created, they also uncover the invaluable research by the restorers and art historians of the pushkin state museum of fine arts.

auggie awards winner 2022

art direction / AR design

SOLARIS - museum of moscow's subconscious

in this AR exhibition experience, pavel pepperstein - a renowned classic of contemporary art - together with sonya stereostyrski and immerse lab explores the deepest subconscious of moscow that is presented as a sentient organism, ‘neftiaris’. the works are phygital - each hand-painted canvas at the exhibition opens a 'portal' to augmented reality, where feverish dreams and hallucinations of the city acquire form and shape. the experience is inspired by stanislaw lem's solaris and tarkovsky's film adaptation, and reimagines solaris as a cryptic entity made of crude oil that lives below moscow and dictates its ideology and archetypes through demonic invocations and terror.

AR design / VFX directing

urban.x series

in the title, 'x' stands for city names: moskva, saint-P, ekb. AR performances in these series highlight the street art communities in russian cities that push back against propaganda and fight conformism. we hope these AR performances are also seen as tactical urban activism. we are looking to highlight regional artists and extend the lives of their artworks - also allowing the viewer to interact with art and be immersed in a story specific to the city. the viewer can choose to either travel through the city and discover the places where the street art used to exist before being destroyed - or watch the performance comfortably from home. this way, the show could be more accessible for those who couldn’t travel due to their disabilities or covid-19 restrictions.

art direction / AR design

12 signs of life

a digitally inclusive multimedia guide for the 12 signs of life exhibition at the moscow state biological museum named after k.a. timiryazev.

exhibition visitors were able to witness rare collections of the biological museum which include minerals, taxidermies and skeletons, replicas of rare varieties of fruits and vegetables, as well as objects of modern art, most of which were created specifically for the exhibition. for full immersion, we have developed a multimedia guide with augmented reality. the guide takes into account the needs of different visitors: it has a mode for the deaf and visually impaired.

post-production / social AR


in 2020, we produced the world's first promenade performance in AR - in collaboration with maxim didenko, a renowned director of contemporary european theatre. 

a metaphysical journey in augmented reality based on atalanta fugiens, an emblem book of the philosopher and alchemist michael maier. we covered the full production cycle: from producing the performance to developing a bespoke ar app. 


background story